Monday, December 29, 2008

Massive iPod Touch Sales Over Christmas

Apple's new iPod Touch appears to have been a huge hit this holiday season with evidence that the high end iPod has seen massive gains in marketshare.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

iPhone fart app pulls in nearly $10,000 a day

Apple’s App Store is currently experiencing a plague of fart applications. Last week, I detailed one day in which at least 14 new fart apps were accepted into the store. And now upon a quick search, it looks like there are something around 50 apps all dedicated to making fart noises on your iPhone or iPod touch.

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

iFart Mobile Set Record with $27,249 on Christmas Day

On Christmas Day, 38,927 people purchased iFart Mobile. That gives Joel $27,249 in profit for Christmas Day alone. The total sales so far for iFart Mobile are 113,885 units in JUST TWO WEEKS! That translates into about $73,000 for the two weeks. If Joel can keep up this pace, he could bring in TWO MILLION DOLLARS in just one year!

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How to Reach the Top of iPhone App Store

With more app developers sharing their app sales and rank stats, you can plan how to launch and market your app to the top of the app store.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

iBoobs Rejected From iTunes App Store (VIDEO)

In a move that should surprise no one, but disappoint many, Apple has rejected the iBoobs app from the App Store. Apple, which recently accepted a bevy of farting apps and even an app that simulates smoking, has clearly loosened up its stringent app store guidelines, but not so much so that iBoobs would able to sneak in.

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iPhone App Store Sales for #1 Spot Revealed

Apple's broadening of App Store acceptances has opened the door to a number of new novelty applications including InfoMedia's iFart Mobile. The $0.99 humor application has rapidly seen success and has rocketed up to the #1 App Sales slot.

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The iPhone App Store and Software Quality: A User’s Perspect

A rant about the overall quality of third party software with some ideas on how the situation might be fixed.

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Pass the iLaxative, App Store approval process is backed up

Are you a developer hoping to launch a new iPhone application in Apple's App Store before the new year? Don’t hold your breath waiting, there’s a bit of a backlog.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Apple tweaks App Store layout amid developer unrest

Faced with criticism over the way it's been grouping applications on the digital shelves of the App Store, Apple this week is making some changes to the store's layout aimed at showcasing a broader range of top offerings in each category.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

App Store Issues Get Heated, Apple Remains Silent

Even though it may seem like Hockenberry’s “Dear Steve” letter is focused around the marketing problems some have faced with their apps, the underlying issues revolve around Apple’s entire policies with the way they manage the App Store. Something all too familiar to anyone that spends time inside the app store.

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